Teacher Training

10 mistakes to avoid as an online teacher

Getting started with online teaching is like walking into a different room, right?There’s so much to learn and, yes, we all end up making quite a few mistakes along the way.

I’m no exception to this.

In fact, I’ve stumbled through many of the common slip-ups you can imagine in this line of work. And now, here I am to pass on those lessons to you. By sharing what I’ve learned the hard way, I hope to make your journey into online teaching just a little smoother.

Let’s look into the 10 key things I wish I knew when I started, and hopefully, you can skip over some of the trickier spots I found myself in.

1. Silence Is Okay

Online teacher silently looking at the computer

First up, don’t stress over silent moments during your lessons. It might feel a bit awkward just looking at the screen waiting for students to respond, but it’s totally normal. These pauses give your students time to think and process information, which is super important for learning.

2. Get Paid Upfront

It’s crucial to sort out your payments beforehand. Trust me, chasing after fees is no fun at all and can lead to some pretty uncomfortable situations. To keep things smooth, I suggest asking for payment before starting your lessons. This way, you can focus on teaching without worrying about the financial part.

3. Schedule Wisely

Remember to give yourself breaks between lessons. Back-to-back sessions can be really tiring, and you’ll need a moment to catch your breath, grab a drink, or just rest your eyes. It’ll make a big difference in how you feel throughout the day.

4. Keep It Professional

While it’s great to build a rapport with your students, it’s important to maintain professional boundaries. Sharing a bit about your lives can make lessons more engaging, but remember, you’re there to teach, not to become personal advisors.

Student watching a teacher on her laptop

5. Value Your Time

If students need extra help outside regular lessons, like with additional homework or projects, make sure to consider your time and effort. It’s okay to ask for extra payment for this additional work. Your time is valuable, and it’s only fair to be compensated for it.

6. Homework in Moderation

It’s easy to get carried away with assignments, especially when students seem eager. But too much homework can become overwhelming. Try to keep it balanced and manageable, aligning with your students’ schedules and capacities.

7. Be Flexible with Lesson Plans

While having a lesson plan is essential, be ready to adapt. Sometimes, discussions can take an unexpected turn, sparking curiosity in different topics. Allos these moments to happen as they can lead to enriching learning experiences.

8. Find Common Ground

Using common themes in your lessons can save you a lot of lesson prep time. Topics like food, hobbies, and travel are relatable for most people and can be tailored to fit various lessons, making your job a bit easier.

9. Prepare for Tech Issues

Online teacher well prepared with technology

Tech glitches are part of the online teaching package. Having backups, like a good data plan for your phone or an extra power bank, can be a lifesaver during unexpected disruptions.

10. Embrace the Journey

Online teaching is rewarding but comes with its challenges. From celebrating student progress to enjoying the flexibility of working from anywhere, the perks are fantastic. However, it’s also important to manage the workload and remember to step away from the screen to recharge.

By keeping these points in mind, you can navigate the online teaching world with a bit more ease and hopefully, a lot less stress.

*Inspired by my YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SSBNyIDE04

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