Personalised Job Advice

Is your CV/resume being ignored, or are job interviews getting you nowhere? Planning to go solo as a teacher? You’re in the right place!

CV Analysis & Improvement

Understand why your CV may be just one of many, even though you see no mistakes in it.

Get Direct Students

Learn how to effectively market yourself so you can find your own online students and retain them.

Job Interview Preparation

Learn how to get a ESL job offer after every single interview you have. Make schools compete for you.

CV Analysis

This service is all about making your CV (Resume) and cover letter the best they can be. I start by chatting with you to understand your career goals and what makes you special. Then, we take a close look at your current CV and cover letter.

What we do is sort of like highlighting in a book. I find the really important parts of your experience and skills, and we make sure those stand out. This way, when someone reads your CV, they see the best parts of you right away.

We’re not about making things up. I just help show off the good stuff you’ve already got. This helps people who are hiring notice you more and maybe even pick you for a job.

I’ve done this a lot, so we know what works. I’m here to help you get noticed and move closer to landing your dream job by making your CV and cover letter shine.





Job Interview Preparation

This Job Interview Preparation Service transforms the way you approach interviews and market yourself.

I personally train you in the art of self-marketing, making sure you can show companies why they need you, not the other way around. With me, you’ll learn how to sell yourself better than anything else.

We will focus on bringing out your strengths, experiences, and unique qualities in a way that truly resonates with interviewers. 

This approach ensures you’re not just another candidate, but a standout choice who brings valuable solutions to their table.

With my guidance, you’ll walk into interviews with the confidence and skills to make companies see the indispensable asset you are.





Be the Catch, Not the Chaser

Master self-marketing and become the standout candidate every company is eager to hire.

I have assisted language schools worldwide in recruiting staff over the past 10 years, and I’ve helped hundreds of students prepare their CVs and secure job offers for their dream jobs by training them for interviews. I also have a specialisation in HR (University of Minnesota) and I am an expert in self-marketing and neuroleadership. In my own job pursuits, I have an impressive track record of frequently being offered the position I applied for.

Having direct online students gives you more control over your teaching, flexibility with scheduling, and the potential for higher earnings.

It depends on your personal situation, professional goals, and other factors. We’ll analyze your case individually and develop a personalized action plan for you.

We’ll focus on highlighting your strongest points to ensure employers recognize that no one would bring more value than you. It’s not about exaggerating, but about finding what makes you stand out and showcasing it effectively.

I’ll assist you with finding the right places to look and help you prepare for interviews. I’ll also guide you on tailoring your application and understanding what employers are seeking.

Client Testimonials

“While studying English in Ireland, I never imagined landing my dream job in a foreign country. Thanks to Mary’s guidance and interview training, I secured my ideal job in just 2 months. Her energy is contagious”


“I doubted I could get a customer service job because of my English skills. Mary taught me to present myself well, and today I’m a Customer Service Manager in a foreign country. She teaches us a lot about being confident!


“I was tired of receiving ‘no’ after my job interviews, but Mary taught me brilliant self-marketing strategies that resulted in receiving three great job offers after successful interviews! I highly recommend her.”


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